There are several methods you can use to activate Microsoft Office 2019/2016 and to use these, you will need an unlicensed copy of the program installed on your computer.
How to activate microsoft office 2016 using cmd how to#
How to activate Microsoft Office 2019/2016 The current license status should be displayed after running the script, along with other details. Next, execute the command below: cscript ospp.vbs /dstatus Where ‘Office installation path’ should be replaced with the location of the Microsoft Office installation folder as explained above. In the Command Prompt enter the following command then press Enter: CD To use this method, find the Microsoft Office installation folder, typicallyĬ:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office16.ĭon’t miss: How to transfer a Windows 10 license to another computerĬlick the Start button and type ‘cmd’ without quotes then click the first result from the list to run the Command Prompt. You can also use the Command Prompt to find out the activation status of your Office program. If there’s a yellow highlighted box that says Activation Required this means you will need to activate your copy which we will explain below. If it says Product Activated then it means you have a valid license for your Office copy and the problem is solved. You will find the activation status on the right under Product Information. Open any Office application such as Word, Excel, or PowerPoint and go to File -> Account. How to check Office Activation Statusīefore anything else, you should check the activation status of your Office copy. In this post, we’ll discuss and explain in detail how to activate Office 2019/2016. Even so, Office 2019/2016 with its lifetime license is still available as an alternative to the 365 subscription service.